
Minecraft 21w40a

A new snapshot is out, buffing copper ore. See the changelog.

Copper Ore Drops

Copper ore now drops between 2-5 ore without fortune, chosen uniformly. The drops for each fortune level are shown in the table below.

  No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Avg 3.5 4.67 6.125 7.7
Max 5 10 15 20

Mob Spawns

Axolotls now only spawn exactly 1 block above a clay block. If the block directly below an axolotl is not clay, it will not spawn.

Since mob spawns are picked from a weighted sum, and zombie spawns were added back to dripstone caves, drowned now spawn slightly less.

New Random Number Generator?

A new XoroshiroRandomSource class is in the code, but the world generator does not use it by default. It is a random number generator based on the Xoroshiro128++ algorithm. It is not cryptographically secure, but it is significantly less exploitable than the default Java random number generator. This could mean that exploits such as the “swamp clay trick” or the “lapis trick” will become much harder. Set legacy_random_source to false in the noise generator settings test out the new RNG.

(Thanks to @skyrising#1562 on the SciCraft Discord for this finding)