
Minecraft 22w06a

Another snapshot for 1.18.2 is out with many hidden changes. See the changelog.

Powder Snow

Goats and wolves now try to avoid powder snow.

If a mob that can walk on top of powder snow is stuck inside a powder snow block, the mob will try to jump out every tick.

Parrot bug fix

Parrots will dismount from the player when the player uses a trident with riptide.


The water world preset was changed to minecraft:bedrock,64*minecraft:deepslate,5*minecraft:stone,5*minecraft:dirt,5*minecraft:gravel,90*minecraft:water;minecraft:deep_ocean as suggested in the bug report

South Korea

Minecraft shows the required gaming notices if the computer’s default locale is KOR.


Servers will now try to verify that player usernames on valid. Valid usernames only contain ASCII characters 33 to 126, which includes all ASCII letters, numbers, and keyboard-reachable special characters. Spaces are NOT allowed.

Tag Changes

Tags are now defined for all registries, which also means those registries can be reoloaded while the server is still running.