
Minecraft 22w11a

The first 1.19 snapshot is out, and update suppression is now patched. See the changelog.

New Blocks

Mangrove wood, logs, stripped wood/logs, planks, and everything that can be crafted with mangrove planks all have the same properties as other wood types.

Block Hardness Blast Resistance Tool
Mangrove Roots 0.7 0.7 Axe
Muddy Mangrove Roots 0.7 0.7 Shovel
Mangrove Propagule Instant Instant  
Mud 0.5 0.5 Shovel
Packed Mud 1 3 Pickaxe
Mud Bricks 1.5 3 Pickaxe
Mud Brick Stairs 1.5 3 Pickaxe
Mud Brick Slab 2 6 Pickaxe
Mud Brick Wall 1.5 3 Pickaxe
Froglights Instant Instant  
Frogspawn Instant Instant  

Note that the mud brick slab is double the normal blast resistance.

Endermen can hold mud blocks, but not packed mud. Like soul sand, mud is an opaque block that conducts redstone.

Blocks in the #convertable_to_mud (dirt, coarse dirt, and rooted dirt) will be converted to mud when a player or dispenser uses a water bottle on the block.

The mangrove propagule is considered both a sapling and a flower according to the #saplings and #flowers tags. This means that bees will try to pollinate propagules.

Mangrove roots is a self-contained waterloggable block that conducts redstone signal.

Froglights emit light level 15.

Mangrove Growth

Mangrove roots have a 1/5 chance to grow when random ticked as long as there is no propagule within a 3×3×3 cube. Roots always grow when bonemealed.

Propagules can be placed only on the #dirt tag, farmland, clay, and mud. This is hardcoded and cannot be changed except by changing the #dirt tag.

Propagules have a 1/7 chance to grow one stage on random tick. 4 stages are needed for a full tree.

When a propagule is used on a composter, there is a 30% chance the composter will fill up one level.


Frogs have 10 health and take 5 less fall damage than other mobs. The hitbox is 0.5×0.5×0.5.

Frogs spawn in swamps with weight 10 (same chance as pigs or chickens) in groups of 2-5.

A frog’s variant is determined by the #spawns_cold_variant_frogs and #spawns_warm_variant_frogs tags. The temperate variant is id 0, warm is id 1, and cold is id 2.

Fluids do not push frogs.

Frogs have a 2x speed multiplier when panicking, 0.75x in the water, and 1.25x when tempted by a slimeball.


Long jumping uses the same mechanics as goats. The long jump cooldown is uniform random between 100-140 ticks (5 to 7 seconds). Frogs will jump to a block within a 9×5×9 box centered on the frog. Lilypads count as a valid jump target.

Frogs have a 50% chance to prioritize jumping to a preferred block. The preferred blocks are lilypads and big dripleaves, the two blocks in the #frog_prefer_jump_to tag. The frog will compute jump locations as normal, then pick a location with the lilypad or dripleaf without weighting. If the frog does not select a jump location with its preferred block, then it will select the first non-preferred location without weighting.

The jumping mechanics in general have changed, including for the goat. Goats and frogs will make sure they are not in water or lava before jumping.


When a frog tries to eat a mob, it walks towards the mob at 75% speed, then eats it when the frog is within 1.75 blocks. The eating animation lasts 6 ticks.

If a frog starts trying to eat a mob, but cannot eat it within 5 seconds, the eating behavior is cancelled.


Breeding frogs with a slimeball gives 1-7 xp (uniform random). After breeding, there is a 6000 tick cooldown (5 minutes).

Frogspawn can be placed on water or any waterlogged block, including blocks such as top half slabs. Frogspawn take 3600-11999 ticks (3-10 minutes) to hatch 2-5 tadpoles.

Tadpoles have 6 health, and the same AI and characteristics as other fish. They have a 2x speed multiplier when panicking, 0.15x on land, and 0.5x when idling in water.

Axolotls will hunt tadpoles.

Tadpoles become a fully-grown frog after 24000 ticks (one full Minecraft day, 20 minutes).


Scaffolding nerfed from 400 ticks of fuel to 50 ticks.

Mangrove roots give 300 ticks of fuel.


Sculk operates the same as the 1.19 experimental snapshot 1, except that sculk spreading from a catalyst no longer spawns shriekers.

The sculk shrieker can now be waterlogged.


The following tags were added in the blocks folder


#sculk_replaceable and #sculk_replaceable_world_gen were added from the experimental snapshot.

In worldgen/biome, #polar_bears_spawnable_on_alternate was renamed to #polar_bears_spawnable_on_in_frozen_ocean

The following tags were added in worldgen/biome


In worldgen/flat_level_generator_preset, the #visible tag was added.

In worldgen/world_preset, the #normal and #extended tags were added.

worldgen/configured_structure_feature was renamed to worldgen/structure. The #cats_spawn_as_black and #cats_spawn_in tags were added to the structure folder.

Splash Text

New splash text messages were added

Shriek like a Sculk Shrieker!
Who let the frogs out?
Croak team!
Flower forest TM perfume
Hat Fridays!

Update Suppression

Mojang has patched update suppression. Updates are now processed iteratively, and no StackOverflowError will be thrown.

The block update order has changed to consistently west, east, down, up, north, south. Rail to observer updates are processed from start to end, instead of end to start.

Credit to Ajvej#3598 in the SciCraft discord for the image.


Mar 16 2022

  • Clarified update suppression section, thanks to Crec0#0420 in the SciCraft discord

Mar 17 2022

  • Fixed typo

Mar 18 2022

  • Added frog spawning rates
  • Added tadpole health
  • Added info on tadpole hatching
  • Added blocks that can be converted to mud
  • Added new splash text
  • Some formatting changes

Mar 19 2022

  • Added propagule compost chance