Minecraft 25w07a
This snapshot improves cartographer and wandering trader trades. See the changelog.
Camels can spawn on sand and red sand (the #sand
tag) by default. Passive mobs that spawn during desert generation have a 12/13 chance to be a rabbit and 1/13 chance to be a camel.
Sheep have updated rules for which color of wool they have based on which biome they spawn in:
Cold | Temperate | Warm | Chance |
Black | White | Brown | 81.836% |
Light Gray | Black | Gray | 5% |
Light Blue | Gray | Yellow | 5% |
Blue | Light Gray | Orange | 5% |
Cyan | Brown | Red | 3% |
Pink | Pink | Pink | 0.164% |
Which biomes are “cold”, “temperate”, or “warm” are the same as other farm animals, such as pigs.
Some Cartographer trades have changed:
Item Wanted | Item Given | XP | Trades until Disabled |
24 Paper | Emerald | 2 | 16 → 12 |
11 Glass Panes | Emerald | 10 | 16 → 12 |
3 → 2 Emeralds | Banner* | 15 | 12 |
14 Emeralds, Compass | Woodland Mansion Map | 30 | 1 → 12 |
* The possible banner colors now depends on the village type.
Wandering Trader
Wandering Trader trades are the same as the Trade Rebalance experiment, but with five new trades added:
Item Wanted | Item Given | XP | Trades until Disabled |
Emerald | 8 Mangrove Logs | 1 | 4 |
Emerald | 8 Pale Oak Logs | 1 | 4 |
Emerald | Wildflowers | 1 | 12 |
Emerald | Dry Tall Grass | 1 | 12 |
3 Emeralds | Firefly Bush | 1 | 12 |
Bundles have a 1/3 chance to spawn in plains, desert, savanna, snowy, and taiga village house chests, as well as cartographer, tannery, and weaponsmith house chests. The bundle is in its own pool in the loot table and does not affect the chances of any other item.