
Minecraft 23w42a

It’s here. See the changelog.

The Crafter

The Crafter has a hardness of 1.5 and a blast resistance of 3.5. The best tool to mine the Crafter is the pickaxe. The Crafter is in the #needs_stone_tools block tag, but still drops when mined by any tool or by hand.

The Crafter will craft an item on every pulse, no matter how fast.

The Crafter is unaffected by the doLimitedCrafting gamerule.


Firework rockets can now break pointed dripstone, decorated pots, and chorus fruit (fixing MC-223774). Firework rockets were added to the #impact_projectiles entity type tag.

The playersNetherPortalDefaultDelay and playersNetherPortalCreativeDelay gamerules can be set to any number, but portals always have a 1 tick delay minimum.

Mojang API

The usernames to UUIDs endpoint moved from https://api.mojang.com/profiles/minecraft to https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/lookup/bulk/byname.


Oct 19 2023

  • Correction for when the Crafter drops