
Minecraft 23w51b

The armadillo was added. See the changelog.


The armadillo is not an experimental feature.

The armadillo has 12 health and a 0.14 movement speed attribute.

It spawns in all savanna biomes in groups of 2-3, with weight 10 out of a total of 52 (the same weight as pigs).

Age Width Height Eye Height
Adult 0.7 0.65 0.26
Baby 0.42 0.39 0.156

Armadillos are twice as fast when panicking and 25% faster when tempted.

Baby armadillos follow adult armadillos from 5-16 blocks away with a 10% speed boost.


The armadillo is scared of undead mobs (entities in the undead entity type tag), players who are sprinting, and players that are passengers of another entity. Mobs within 7 blocks of the armadillo’s hitbox can startle the armadillo.

Armadillos will only roll up on the ground. When an armadillo rolls up, it stops in place completely. After 8 ticks, the armadillo is fully rolled up.

An armadillo unrolls 3 seconds after the last time it was scared. If an armadillo is hurt while rolled into a ball, it will unroll without playing the unroll sound.

Rolling into and out of a ball emits an entity_action game event with a sculk sensor frequency of 4.


Armadillos randomly drop scute every 5-10 minutes.

Brushing a scute off an armadillo takes 16 durability. If the brush has less than 16 durability, it can still brush the armadillo, but the brush will break.

Wolf Armor

Wolf armor gives 11 armor points and no toughness, the same as diamond horse armor. See the wiki for armor mechanics.


Breezes no longer attempt to target creative/spectator players.

Long Jump

If the breeze is submerged enough in water to swim, then it won’t long jump.

The breeze now plays the charge sound when charging up a long jump.

If the breeze is not in water when it long jumps, then the jump ends when the breeze hits water.


The positions the breeze will slide to have changed completely.

If the player is within 0-4 blocks, the breeze will slide away to a random block in a 90 degree radius away from the player, and at most 5 blocks away horizontally and 5 blocks away vertically from the breeze’s starting position. If the breeze does not have line of sight to the chosen location (ignoring liquids and blocks without collision), or the player is closer to the chosen location than the breeze, that location is not chosen.

If the player is 4 or more blocks away or the above condition fails, then there is a 50-50 chance of either the following:

  • The breeze will slide to a block (usually) behind the player, using the same logic as picking a long jump target. See the long jump section in the 23w45a post for details.
  • The breeze will slide directly towards the player to a block that is 4-8 blocks away from the player.

Wind Charge

Added the wind_charge damage type tag.

Trial Chamber

The trial_chambers_copper_bulb_degradation processor list now uses waxed blocks, fixing MC-266432https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-266432).


Attribute Default Min Max
block_interaction_range 4.5 0 64
entity_interaction_range 3 0 64
scale 1 0.0625 (1/16) 16
step_height 0.6 0 10

The “Creative block interaction range modifier” (736565d2-e1a7-403d-a3f8-1aeb3e302542) adds 0.5 to generic.block_interaction_range.

The “Creative entity interaction range modifier” (98491ef6-97b1-4584-ae82-71a8cc85cf73) adds 2 to generic.entity_interaction_range.

The “Wolf armor bonus” modifier (556e1665-8b10-40c8-8f9d-cf9b1667f296) adds 11 to generic.armor.

Modifier UUID Modifies


If a player.dat file cannot be loaded, then it is copied into <uuid>_corrupted_<date>.dat.


Jan 24 2024

  • Added time armadillo stays rolled up