
Minecraft 24w03a

This snapshot reduces the spawn chunks and adds the long-requested transfer packet! See the changelog.


Armadillos now spawn in all badland biomes in groups of 1-2. The armadillo can spawn on #animal_spawnable_on, #terracotta, red sand, and coarse dirt.

If a spider is within 6 blocks in the x and z directions and 3 blocks in the y direction of an armadillo, the spider will flee to a random point 16 blocks horizontally and 7 blocks vertically within a 90 degree angle away from the armadillo. When the spider’s position is 7 or less blocks away from the armadillo’s position, the spider has a 20% speed boost while fleeing.

Armadillos are scared of players and mobs within 7 blocks in the x and z directions and 3 blocks in the y direction.

Baby armadillos move 25% faster when following adults instead of 10% faster, fixing MC-267435.

A tempted armadillo follows players from 2 blocks away if it is an adult and 1 block away if it is a baby, 1.5 blocks closer than last snapshot, fixing MC-267397.


The breeze’s dimensions have changed:

  Width Height Eye Height
Old 0.6 1.7 1.445
New 0.6 1.77 1.3452

The breeze now drops 10 xp instead of 5 xp.

Projectiles that break on impact, such as ender pearls and ghast fireballs, are not deflected and instead break when hitting the breeze.


Stonecutting copper blocks into copper grates now gives 1 grate instead of 4 grates, fixing MC-266078.

Spawn Chunks

The spawn chunk diameter is determined by 2 * spawnChunkRadius - 1, so radius 2 creates a 3x3 area of entity ticking chunks. Chunks still propagate like normal, creating a 5x5 area of ticking chunks and a 7x7 area of border chunks by default.

If spawnChunkRadius is 0, the spawn chunks are disabled completely, including the ticking and border chunks.


/setworldspawn now only works in the overworld.

The generic.block_interaction_range and generic.entity_interaction_range attributes were renamed to player.block_interaction_range and player.entity_interaction_range respectively, fixing MC-267422.


Added the #armadillo_spawnable_on block tag.

Added the #head_armor, #chest_armor, #leg_armor, #boots_armor, and #skulls item tags. The #head_armor tag does not include the carved pumpkin.

The #deflects_arrows and #deflects_tridents entity type tags were combined into the new #deflects_projectiles tag.


Clients that receive a transfer packet create a new connection to the given host:port, maintaining resource packs and cookies.

Sending cookie data to a vanilla server will disconnect the client with the message, “Unexpected custom data from client”.

Servers can request that clients skip authenticating with sessionserver.mojang.com with a new flag in the Encryption Request packet. This works even if the client is not transferring. Be aware that authenticating with the session server ensures that there is no man-in-the-middle attack before encryption is enabled.